Privacy Policy

TourGajago (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes and discloses the following privacy policy to protect users' personal information and to swiftly and smoothly handle any grievances related to personal information.

By clicking the "Agree" button, you are considered to have agreed to the collection and use of personal information and the privacy policy below.

Article 1: Collection of Personal Information Items

Article 2: Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Article 3: Duration of Use and Retention of Personal Information

Article 4: Processing and Provision of Personal Information

Article 5: Rights of Customers and How to Exercise Them

Article 6: Entrusting Personal Information

Article 7: Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information

Article 8: Measures for Protection of Personal Information

Article 9: Files on Internet Access Information

Article 10: Personal Information Protection Officer

Article 11: Request for Viewing Personal Information

Article 12: Changes and Notification of Personal Information Handling Policy

Article 13: Remedies for Rights Infringement

Article 1: Collection of Personal Information Items

When you wish to use the membership services of the Company, you must enter the following required information. Optional items do not restrict service use if not provided.


Purpose of Collection and Use

Items Collected and Used

Retention and Use Period

Information collected upon registration

Service sign-up and usage


Name (Korean, English), Email, Password, Mobile Number

Until membership withdrawal (but according to relevant laws)

Providing location-based services


Personal location information

SNS membership registration


Kakao, Naver: Name (Korean, English), Email, Mobile Number, Profile Picture Google, Facebook: Name (Korean, English), Email, Profile Picture

Consent to marketing usage


Email, Mobile Number

Article 2: Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Company uses collected personal information for the following purposes:

1. Implementation of travel product sales and intermediary services and fee settlement: travel product reservations, content provision, purchases and fee payments, delivery of goods or sending billing addresses, personal authentication for financial transactions and financial services, fee collection, etc.

2. Customer management: Personal identification, bad member use prevention, unauthorized use prevention, confirmation of the intention to join/withdraw, age verification, consent of legal representative when collecting personal information from children under 14, complaint handling, notification delivery, etc.

3. Others: Notification delivery, confirmation of intentions, complaint handling, securing a smooth communication path, new service/product or event information guidance.

Article 3: Duration of Use and Retention of Personal Information

Your personal information will be processed and retained for the duration of the personal information retention/use period in accordance with laws or the period consented to by you at the time of collection. However, in the following cases, the information may be retained for a specified period for the confirmation of rights and obligations related to transactions or as stipulated by relevant laws:

- Records on membership registration and management: 1 year, but if there are remaining rights/obligations related to debt/credit, until the settlement of such rights/obligations.

- Records related to contracts or withdrawal of offers: 5 years.

- Records on payment and supply of goods: 5 years.

- Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years.

- Records on advertising and promotional displays: 6 months.

Article 4: Processing and Provision of Personal Information

1. The Company uses customer personal information within the scope notified in the "Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information" in the Service Use Agreement and Privacy Policy and does not exceed this scope or provide it to third parties without consent. Special care will be taken in the following cases:

2. For the provision of better services to customers, the Company provides personal information to partner companies as described below. The Company does not disclose customer personal information to unrelated companies or institutions except as described below. However, if customer information is provided, the details are as follows, and if you refuse to provide this information, it may be difficult to provide the service.


Items Provided

Purpose of Use

Provision Period

Local partner companies

Name (Korean, English), Email, Mobile Number

Personal identification, reservation consultation, local event organization and customer management

From the time of personal information provision until the purpose is achieved


3. In addition to the second clause for better service provision, the Company may provide personal customer information to partner companies. Before providing personal information, the Company will individually notify and seek consent regarding who the partners are, what information is provided, why it needs to be provided, how it will be protected/managed, and until when. If the customer does not agree, the information will not be provided to the partner companies. The same procedure will be followed when there is a change in partnership or termination.

4. The Company may also provide customer personal information to third parties in other cases such as:

- When required by law for investigative purposes.

- When provided in a form that cannot identify individuals for statistics, academic research, or market surveys.

- When there are requests according to procedures established by laws.

- For fee settlement purposes related to service provision.

- Upon request from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for certified excellent products.

- If the Terms of Use or operational principles posted on the TourGajago website are violated.

- When it is deemed necessary to provide personal information for legal actions due to damages caused to others by using the TourGajago services.

5. Even when information is provided according to laws or upon request from investigation agencies, the Company operates on the principle of notifying the parties involved. There may be cases where notification is not possible due to legal reasons.

6. The Company may provide users' personal information for the development of new technologies or the provision of better services. In such cases, prior to providing information, the procedure of notifying and obtaining consent regarding who the information is provided to, why it is necessary, and how it will be protected/managed will be followed. Without user consent, no additional information will be collected or provided.

Article 5: Rights of Customers and How to Exercise Them

1. Customers have the right to exercise the following personal information protection-related rights at any time with the Company. If the customer is a child under 14 years old, the child's legal representative can request to view, correct, delete, or stop processing the child's personal information.

- Request to view personal information.

- Request correction in case of errors.

- Request deletion.

- Request to stop processing.

2. If a customer requests deletion of personal information, it will be handled according to the specified retention and use period and the method of destruction of personal information in Article 3 and Article 7.


Entrusted Tasks

Retention and Use Period

Nice Payments

Electronic payment processing

Until the purpose of using personal information is achieved or until the end of the entrusted contract


Issuance of cash receipts

Article 6: Entrusting Personal Information

1. The Company may entrust personal information processing tasks to ensure smooth personal information processing. The entrusted tasks and trustees are as follows, and in accordance with relevant laws, the Company ensures that personal information is managed safely during the contract for entrustment.

2. When entering into an entrustment contract, in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the purpose and scope of the entrusted tasks, prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than the performance of entrusted tasks, restrictions on re-entrustment, matters regarding the management and supervision of trustees, and responsibilities for ensuring safety are specified in documents, and the Company supervises whether the trustee processes personal information safely.

Article 7: Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information

1. The Company will immediately destroy personal information when it becomes unnecessary, such as when the retention period has expired, the purpose of collection and use has been achieved, or the business is closed.

2. The Company destroys personal information in the following ways:

- Electronic files: Permanently delete in a way that cannot be restored.

- Paper documents: Shred or incinerate.

Article 8: Measures for Protection of Personal Information

The Company takes the following measures to ensure the security of personal information:

- Administrative measures: Designation of a personal information protection officer, establishment, and execution of an internal management plan that includes matters related to the organization and operation of a personal information protection organization and training on personal information handlers.

- Technical measures: Establishment and implementation of standards for granting, changing, and deleting access rights to the systematically organized database system, installation and operation of intrusion blocking and detection systems for personal information processing systems, saving and supervising the log-in date and time and processing history when personal information handlers access the personal information processing system, backup storage of access records to a separate storage device, one-way encryption storage of passwords, measures such as building a security server for transmitting and receiving users' personal information and authentication information through information communication networks.

However, the Company is not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of ID, password, and personal information due to the carelessness of the user or problems on the internet.

Article 9: Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

1. The Company operates cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website and that can find and store members' information. Cookies are very small text files sent by the server used to operate the website to the member's browser and are stored on the hard disk of the member's device (PC, smartphone, tablet PC, etc.) and expire upon web browser closure or logout.

2. Members can reject the installation of cookies. However, rejecting cookies may make it difficult to use some services that require login.

(Setting method based on

IE) Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy > Block sites

Article 10: Personal Information Protection Officer

The Company appoints a personal information management officer to be responsible for the overall processing of personal information, handling complaints related to personal information processing, and damage relief.

- Personal Information Management Officer

Name: Kim Tae-woong

Phone: +82 70-7775-0307


Article 11: Request for Viewing Personal Information

Customers can request to view their personal information according to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act by submitting a personal information viewing request form indicating the items and contents of personal information, the purpose of collection and use, the retention and use period, the status of provision to third parties, and the fact and contents of consent to the personal information protection officer mentioned above. The Company will strive to process the personal information viewing request within 10 days. However, if it is not possible to provide viewing within 10 days for a legitimate reason, the Company will notify the customer of the reason and may postpone the viewing. Once the reason is resolved, viewing will be provided without delay.

Article 12: Changes and Notification of Personal Information Handling Policy

1. The Company's personal information handling policy is subject to change according to the laws of the Republic of Korea and changes in the Company's internal policies.

2. If there are changes to the Company's personal information handling policy, the Company will notify the changes via email 7 days before implementation. If prior notification is difficult, it will be notified without delay, and the policy will be effective from the date of notification. However, if important matters such as the purpose of collecting and using personal information and the subjects of provision to third parties are added, deleted, or modified, it will be notified 30 days in advance, and the changes will be implemented after 30 days have passed. Additionally, if contents related to the collection and utilization of personal information and the provision to third parties are added or changed, requiring separate consent from customers according to laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the Company will obtain separate consent from customers according to the relevant laws.

Article 13: Remedies for Rights Infringement

Users can inquire about personal information infringement remedies and consultations with the following institutions. These institutions are separate from the Company and should be contacted for more detailed assistance or if you are not satisfied with the Company's own handling of personal information complaints and damage relief.

- Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency)

- Responsibilities: Reporting of personal information infringement facts, consultation application

- Website:

- Phone: (No area code) 118

- Address: (58324) 9 Jinheung-gil, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do (Bitgaram-dong 301-2), 3rd Floor, Personal Information Infringement Report Center

- Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee

- Responsibilities: Application for personal information dispute mediation, collective dispute mediation (civil resolution)

- Website:

- Phone: (No area code) 1833-6972

- Address: (03171) 209 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Government Complex-Seoul, 4th Floor

- Cyber Crime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3573 (

- Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency: 1566-0112 (


1. This policy applies from November 30, 2023.

This personal information handling policy may change according to laws, policies, or changes in security technology. If there are additions, deletions, or modifications to the contents, it will be announced immediately through the TourGajago Inc. website ( privacy policy page or via email, and this policy will be effective from November 30, 2023.